On the Potential Effects of Political Correctness
In a
previous article (see https://ideationstartshere.blogspot.sg/2018/03/purely-speculating-influence-of.html),
I discussed the possible connections between the pushing of politically correct
agendas and certain events (the Florida and Maryland school shootings, German
Chancellor Angela Merkel’s belated recognition of no-go zone areas and the wave
of #metoo harassment accusations). In this follow-up, I will scope out more
broadly why political correctness is detrimental on balance – ie, when one weighs up the potential and actual pros
and cons, the stark conclusion is that political correctness enfeebles the
minds of the population and bring out their destructive tendencies.
I note
that the term politically correct has
pejorative connotations (the connotation that one is somehow afraid to express
oneself because one has succumbed to the fear of offending others), such that
persons would mostly never use the word to describe themselves. I therefore
define being politically correct to
mean ‘expressing oneself in a way consistent with prevailing liberal ideologies
and which deliberately avoids offending those who are different’. I understand
my definition might be contentious – but I identify being politically correct with
being liberal because at the core of avoiding offence to others is the concept
of autonomy: people should be able to do what they like (subject to important limitations, which I will come
to later).
this definition is accepted, one can see that it is prima facie uncontentious. People should be able to express
themselves how they like (subject to certain limitations) and to avoid
offending others in a modern liberal democracy. Even without recourse to a
central Constitution, these freedoms are taken for granted. However, the
problem manifests when this is taken to an extreme: avoiding offence has become
not merely laudable but obligatory.
We see this is in the ‘safe-space phenomenon’ proliferating across universities
and workplaces in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia, and
in the Canadian Bill C-16 (which is now law in Canada) which adds gender
expression and gender identity as protected grounds to the Canadian Human
Rights Act. In Canada, misusing another’s gender pronoun or refusing to use it
might be grounds for prosecution.
noted that people should be able to do or say whatever they like subject to important limitations. What are
these limitations? Quite simply, they are the limitations all of us operate
under in daily life, limitations on our freedom which the law deems necessary
to facilitate modern life and development. In the modern context, it is
important that laws have their grounding in empirical reality (this is a
subject forming the core of the policy-science strain of Legal Realism – I shall
deal with this another time), which includes accurate statistical data etc. The
other foundation of law is the more nebulous ‘value judgment’, which includes
taking a stand on moral issues or issues where information is scarce (this sort
of perception of law is attributable to Natural Lawyers). A third foundation
seems to be the use of sanctions or coercion – this is law as commands of the
sovereign backed by threats (the Austinian conception of Positivism) or law as
a union of primary and secondary rules (the Hartian conception of Positivism).
If these seem a little theoretical, I assure the reader that they have no great
bearing on the discussion at hand: the point is that there are limitations to
one’s freedoms, but these limitations should
not expand to include politically correct inclinations.
I will start with why people might want to be politically correct. Again,
different people have different likes and dislikes. A person with liberal
inclinations and who prefers to avoid confrontation might want to be
politically correct for no other reason that he wants to. He might be a
utilitarian and think this course of action would lubricate his way through
life. He might have deep-seated moral reasons to be politically correct. At this
level, I emphasise that political correctness is not detrimental in and of itself.
At low
levels, some measure of political correctness
lubricates social interactions and facilitates the functioning of modern
society. In a way, it filters out myriad insulting comments which daily make
their way through the thoughts of all ordinary people; but do not mistake it
for ‘respect’, for political correctness runs only skin-deep.
therefore still say that society (as
opposed to individuals) is better off without political correctness. The first
reason is that it (like all such ideologies, including that of the alt-right
etc.) tends to extremes in the minds of the mob. For those that lack
understanding of the boundaries within which political correctness can be
acceptably practised, it becomes something to be imposed upon others. This
imposition is unwarranted and is the root of much evil in modern society. The
second reason is that political correctness leaves a society’s culture
vulnerable to virile and aggressive invaders. After all, acceptance means
acceptance of even the most savage cultures. The third reason is that political
correctness breeds hypocrisy: one can accept different cultures with values contradictory
to one’s own, but one cannot accept the conservative viewpoint from within one’s
culture which preaches traditional values, gender roles, etc.
reasons will be discussed in turn, to illustrate why political correctness is
detrimental on balance.
correctness tends to such extremes because in the minds of those who practise
it, it is morally good – the only morally
good way of going about things. Those that depart from this narrative thus
deserve to be vilified. One can immediately see how short-sighted this perspective
is, since if political correctness preaches acceptance of different cultures
with different values, what happens if those different cultures advocate
non-politically correct values? Is that good or bad? As of now, the enemy is
the white male, but everything points toward the possibility of this focus arbitrarily
shifting to other groups in society, perhaps when the white male has been
completely debased. At its core, this universalist way of thinking is
destructive – which makes it all the more lamentable that Justin Trudeau, with
his politically correct pandering, is Prime Minister of such an important
country as Canada.
correctness leaves a country vulnerable because it advocates as the ultimate
good the acceptance of other cultures. Some cultures, however, are not as
accepting. The consequence of this is predictably to leave the politically
correct culture at the mercy of others who refuse to assimilate, for acceptance
suggests respect even for those different but hostile. No wonder Germany (who
has taken in more refugees than any other European country) is having such a
marked problem, with “no-go zones” and cultural enclaves detracting from the
sovereignty of that nation. So long as political correctness holds sway, that
problem will not be resolved.
there is the issue of hypocrisy. The very core of political correctness seems
geared toward such double-standards, since any such movement must be rallied
against a ‘common enemy’. In this case, the common enemy is the white male.
Yet, to have a common enemy runs directly contrary to ‘acceptance’. Even at
this fundamental level, there is contradiction. These contradictions pile up as
we become more specific: doesn’t acceptance of different viewpoints also mean
acceptance of conservative viewpoints? What happens when there are
contradictions? How to we prefer one viewpoint over another?
A politically
correct person might say: “all viewpoints are accepted equally.” Yet, that is
not the way of modern development or evolution. The strongest and fittest survive
in nature (‘strongest’ including such parameters as intelligence, teamwork
etc., but always geared toward the defeat of an enemy). The strongest and richest
country flourishes. The best solution
is best because it can effect an outcome better and more efficiently than all
the others. There is no equality of solutions in a world of finite resources –
and in any case even politically correct persons do not advocate that
viewpoint, for they pick out one group in society (usually the white male in
western countries and the Chinese in some Southeast Asian societies) to systematically
vilify. The preference there, thinly veiled, is for cultures other than one’s
self-hate leads to self-destruction.
Frederick Yorck
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