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Those who want to submit articles for posting can do so by sending it to yann@yannideology.com. All submissions to be sent in the .docx of .odt format, double-spaced, font size 12, in either the Times New Roman or Arial font. Name of author to be displayed prominently and underlined on the first page (alternatively, anonymous submissions shall be entertained). All submissions are to be dated. While we reserved the right to edit all articles posted, all efforts shall be made to preserve the linguistic style and opinions of the author. All edits shall be confined to removing words/parts/portions/sections of the whole text. No word shall be added to any submission. All edits shall be notified to the author before posting.

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Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi and the Sufi Path of Annihilation: Multiplicity and Convolution

The Limits of Judicial Review in Singapore

How Ilhan Omar Overstepped Her Boundaries